
Teruel is located in eastern Spain.

a map of a country

The dry climate makes it suitable for long-term storage of aircraft. During the COVID-19 pandemic around 100 grounded planes were parked there.

Sebastian T (atcpilot_photography) recently visited there and sent in these pictures. All photos were taken by Sebastian. No sharing or re-production is allowed without his permission.

Over 100 airplanes in current storage at Teruel, Spain. Photo Sebastian T (atcpilot_photography)
Over 100 aircraft currently in storage at Teruel, Spain. Photo Sebastian T (atcpilot_photography)
a group of airplanes parked on a runway
an aerial view of airplanes parked on a runway
a group of airplanes parked on the ground
South African Airways A350 recently flew into Teruel for storage
A South African Airways A350 recently flew into Teruel for storage
a group of airplanes parked on a runway
a group of airplanes parked on the ground
There are a total of 9 Lufthansa A380 in storage at Teruel
There is a total of 9 Lufthansa A380s in storage at Teruel
a large white airplane on a runway
a group of airplanes on a runway
a group of airplanes on a runway

Tarbes Lourdes

The airport is located an equal distance between the cities of Tarbes and Lourdes in the Southwest of France.

a map of france with cities and roads

There are currently more than 60 heavy aircraft in storage, including many newly built A350s straight from the Airbus factory.

aerial view of airplanes on a runway
A350 of Aeroflot, Turkish Airlines can be seen in Tarbes-Loudres
a group of airplanes on a runway
5 HNA Group A350 are in storage including Hainan Airlines and Hong Kong Airlines
a group of airplanes parked on a runway
Most of Air France A380 have now been retired and stored in Teruel
a group of airplanes on a runway
a group of white airplanes on a runway
The first 2 ex-Singapore Airlines A380 are on the chopping block.
a group of airplanes on a runway
a group of airplanes on a runway
a large white airplane on a runway

Video of Teruel Airport

All photos were taken by Sebastian T (atcpilot_photography). No sharing or re-production is allowed without his express permission.