Review: JetSmarter Private Jet

Hawker 800 Dubai to Kuwait

How normal people can fly on a private jet?


JetSmarter is a brand new private transportation start-up that many are calling the Uber of the private jet world. This it is in a sense, however this company’s model is even better.  What JetSmarter does so brilliantly is to combine three different services into one — free scheduled JetShuttle Flights, last-minute JetDeals, and also chartered flights — all accessible from a single app.

JetSmarter has brought a lot of transparency into the chartering market.  Once you have downloaded the App, you can then see all the empty legs coming up in JetDeals.  These are all the available free shuttle flights for members across the US, Europe and The Middle East.  Members pay a fixed membership fee and can enjoy literally unlimited shuttle flights, potentially saving thousands. You can also create your own on-demand charter on the App. JetSmarter offers instant pricing and availability for private jets across the globe, allowing users to book a flight themselves avoiding the struggle and hassle of dealing with a broker.  It truly is wonderful idea and is very insightful.

Chartering or sharing a Business Jet is not confined to the ultra-rich or the royal families anymore. You too can also do it!

My Flight with JetSmarter

I recently became a JetSmarter member and I immediately took advantage by grabbing a shuttle flight from Dubai to Kuwait.

This shuttle flight is operated by a classic 8 seater Bae125-800 which is a Hawker 800.

Each JetSmarter Smart Member can have access to this shuttle flight free of charge, along with many others in the US and Europe.

In my case there were a total of 4 passengers: 2 UAE Nationals, my wife and myself.

JetSmarter use The DC Aviation Facility at The Dubai World Central (DWC) Al Maktoum International Airport.

It is a standalone FBO.  Passengers can arrive just 10 minutes before their flight and all the formality is well taken care of.  Saving time, hassle and maintaining privacy is viewed as being the top advantages of flying on a private jet.

Arriving at DC Aviation Al-Futtaim FBO facility

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

We were greeted at the reception desk and escorted to an almost private waiting area.

This is probably the nicest FBO I have been to; with white marble walls and very high ceilings.

 Why can't every flight start like this?

Jetsmarter-Hawker800-20 Jetsmarter-Hawker800-06 Jetsmarter-Hawker800-07
Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

The receptionist brought us some snacks to enjoy whilst the crew prepared for our departure.




There is also a small snack buffet outside.

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Charging facility


There is also a board room facility available to guests of DC Aviation.

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO

A yacht model on display.


Of course there is shower facility.

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO Facility

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO Facility

I was very impressed by this high tech toilet.



A selfie before we jet set off to Kuwait. Jetsmarter-Hawker800-19

Each passenger has to pass through security before boarding.  Line? What line?

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO Facility

Dubai DC Aviaton FBO Facility

Our Hawker 800 jet is waiting to board just 10 steps from the FBO!


It is a nice tradition to be greeted by The Captain before boarding.


Flight attendant waiting for us to board.


Welcome Onboard

As I have mentioned before, we had 4 passengers including my wife and myself.  The other 2 UAE National Passengers boarded first and chose to stay in the rear cabin, having 4 seats to themselves.  We stayed in the forward cabin.


All of us have a spare seat for our feet!



Doors closed after boarding and we started taxing to the runway in no time.

We turned onto the runway, with no queues we were quickly cleared for take-off on a very dusty and hazy summer evening.



Cheers JetSmarter! I know we should not put our feet up on the seats, but just for the record!




My wife enjoying her private time.


A must have shot!


Flight time to Kuwait was 1.5 hours.

According to the pilot, we were cruising at an altitude of 36,000 feet and at a speed of Mach 0.78

That is really fast and matches the speed of The B737 and The A320!

For the short sector we were served canapes and vegetable sticks, along with drinks.


Also served Haagen-Dazs to cool off the body heat.


Being an Avgeek, I took the opportunity to have a look inside the cockpit.

The yoke of this older model of Hawker 800 has a lot of similarities to the Supersonic Concorde!

I love this first generation of semi analogue/semi digital cockpit.


Our routing to Kuwait on the pilot's iPad.


Cruising at FL360


Meanwhile back in the cabin, we finally broke the ice among all the passengers and crew!


We were invited by the 2 wealthy Emirati Men to try their smoking pipe!

You can really do a lot of things on your private jet that a commercial airline would never allow you to!



After some more networking in the cabin, we were on the descent into Kuwait during sunset.

Kuwait City appeared in the background; what a beautiful Southerly approach into KWI.


I decided to sit behind the pilots and observe the landing.

The landing conditions were almost perfect and the captain performed a beautiful textbook landing.





Taxing past some of the older Kuwait Airways planes parked in KWI.


Our Executive Jet arrived at Kuwait Sheikh Saad Terminal.


Some final momento pictures before we deplane!




How many times have you found yourself in a massive queue at airport security, or in a scrum to retrieve your suitcase from the baggage reclaim, and thought, “There must be an easier way than this?”

It is a frustration we have all felt at one point or another; while most of us dream of the supreme comfort and convenience of flying on a private jet, we assume that this privilege is reserved only for the rich and famous.  However this is not necessarily the case; as it turns out, flying private may actually be within the reach of normal people, too.

I am delighted by the existence of JetSmarter, they have fulfilled many a person's dream to fly on a Private Jet and in an affordable way too. It really is revolutionizing private aviation and is making private jet aviation a reality for the masses.

The lounge in Dubai is wonderful and there is truly no better way to start to jet set. Although we shared our private jet with 2 other passengers, there never felt any lack of privacy. In fact, it created a great networking opportunity. As an Avgeek, I am glad to have explored a new way of flying, taking my game to the next level!


To Sign Up Jetsmarter Membership

Please use the special signup code "SAMCHUI" to sign up for Jetsmarter membership.

You will receive $500 referral bonus and earn $1500 flight credit associated with this private jet membership with the special code "SAMCHUI"

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